The Doctoral Consortium in conjunction with the AIME 2020 conference will provide an opportunity for PhD students to present their research plans or their preliminary work in an informal and supportive atmosphere. The PhD students will be able to discuss their plans, preliminary results (optional), and the specific problems they are encountering. They will get feedback and advice from the Academic Panel including a number of prominent academic researchers with substantial experience in the field who will actively give constructive feedback and advice and contribute to the discussions.

The Doctoral Consortium program for AIME 2020 is listed below. It will take place Wednesday August 26th from 13:00-17:00 CDT. All conference registrants have access to the consortium. 


Time (CDT) Author Title Mentor
13:00-13:30 Bathsheba Farrow
Near Real-Time PTSD Assessment System Graciela Gonzalez
13:30-14:00 Kathleen Miley A Data-Driven Approach to Identify the Brain and Cognitive Mechanisms of Social Functioning in Health and Early Schizophrenia: A Dissertation Proposal Graciela Gonzalez
14:00-14:30 Elliot Mitchell Computational Approaches to Support Automated Conversational Health Coaching Abeed Sarker
14:30-15:00 Zhipeng Huang A Latent Space Model for HLA Compatibility in Kidney Transplantation Abeed Sarker
15:00-15:30 Libby Ferland Enhancing User Modeling in Conversational Agents for Improved Personalization in Elder Support Applications John H. Holmes
15:30-16:00 Gavindya Jayawardena RAEMAP: Real-Time Advanced Eye Movements Analysis Pipeline John H. Holmes